Tom Parlon tops the bill at property advertising awards do

How well agents are at getting their message across will be revealed at tomorrow's Irish Times Property Advertising Awards.

How well agents are at getting their message across will be revealed at tomorrow's Irish Times Property Advertising Awards.

Up to 400 property professionals, advertising execs and property developers are expected to attend the event at The Four Seasons Hotel.

This is the annual lunch where awards are given for outstanding advertisements in the national print.

This year the panel judged a total of 222 entries in seven print categories as well as a new online category.


This year Gift Grub's Mario Rosenstock will be master of ceremonies at the event. The guest speaker is the former minister for state and incoming director general of the Construction Industry Federation, Tom Parlon.

This will be the first official event he attends in his role since taking up office last Monday.

This year a new award has been added - the best contributor to the industry award, which recognises and honours an exceptional performer in the property industry.

The property world will be keen to hear his views on the property industry and its future prospects.