Consumers' guide to MUD Act

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has published a guide for consumers, Apartment ownership under the MUD Act …

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has published a guide for consumers, Apartment ownership under the MUD Act 2011, to provide apartment owners with information about apartment living under the Multi-Unit development Act.

The guide aims to answer some key questions about the Act including:What is an Owners' Management Company (OMC) and what are its rights and responsibilities; the transfer of the common areas of a development from the developer to the OMC; obligations on the developer to complete the development; new requirements for fire safety and new measures to resolve disputes. The SCSI will hold a public seminar, Apartment Ownership under the Multi Unit Development Act,on Wednesday, December 7th at 6pm at its offices on 38 Merrion Square, D2. To register, contact