Bringing up baby in Temple Bar

So far, Temple Bar Properties knows of only one Temple Bar baby for the purpose-built creche it's planning for the Wooden Building…

So far, Temple Bar Properties knows of only one Temple Bar baby for the purpose-built creche it's planning for the Wooden Building apartment in the west end of Dublin's trendiest quarter. The baby is the result of a Temple Bar love story that began when its parents each bought an apartment in the area, met, fell in love, and moved to an apartment for three. But there should be plenty of babies eventually for the creche, which will be able to accommodate upwards of 30 infants, toddlers, and children over two when it opens for business in September of this year.

TBP is advertising for an independent operator to run the new creche, with a FEBRUARY 12th deadline. And until the quarter breeds it own babies, there should be no shortage of business either from parents working in the area, or from nearby areas popular with young professionals, like South Circular Road.