Designs on dogs

“There is loads of amazing jewellery design out there,” says Geraldine Murphy of Saba Jewellery

"There is loads of amazing jewellery design out there," says Geraldine Murphy of Saba Jewellery. The designer, who started out as an animator (working on the series Give Up Your Aul Sins), likes to create things "that make the wearer smile, or even laugh". She makes her animal designs from sheets of silver, and has recently added dogs to the cats, horses, elephants, monkeys, fish and bears that populate her workshop.

Dogs are Murphy’s “all-time favourite animals”, and her own lurcher, Toni, who comes to work with her every day, appears peeping out of a handbag in one funky necklace. “It has taken me years to come up with dog designs I’m happy with. I wanted to avoid being breed specific, so opted instead for quirky-looking dogs doing typical dog things – such as always taking the best chair in the house – or completely off the wall, like a dog riding a moped.” You can see the entire Saba range at (where you can also purchase), or alternatively at the Kilkenny Shop on Nassau Street, and at Dublin Airport.

Gemma Tipton

Gemma Tipton

Gemma Tipton contributes to The Irish Times on art, architecture and other aspects of culture