Buy a Whisker

Charlie Whisker’s paintings usually map out in-between spaces, both physical and psychological

Charlie Whisker’s paintings usually map out in-between spaces, both physical and psychological. With their tracts of open ground, tidal strands, deserted parks, or domestic interiors depicted in the early hours while the world sleeps, they are charged with a sense of expectation and, on occasion, anxiety.

There are hints of a lighter mood in much of his new work, which features a wealth of bright, floral imagery. Some 20 recent paintings are included in his exhibition at the Merrion Hotel, presented by the Solomon Gallery.

In addition to the paintings, the show also sees the launch of a new limited edition box set of 10 prints, produced by Stoney Road Press. The prints draw on the storehouse of sketchbooks, drawings, writings and mementos that have provided the material for many years of painting, and the box set is available at a special pre-publication price of €1,850 (plus VAT). The exhibition is at The Merrion, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2, until tomorrow, and can also be viewed online at

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne is visual arts critic and contributor to The Irish Times