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Phyl Clarke 's outrageously indulgent wish list of luxury beauty products that are worth a splurge

Phyl Clarke's outrageously indulgent wish list of luxury beauty products that are worth a splurge

My family tell me that I'm a very difficult person to buy for. Well, I'm amazed at that, as there's a list in my head of items that I would love to find in my stocking. The hints that I'm dropping are obviously too discreet. So I'm going public this year to save my nearest and dearest from scouring the shops in vain, and making sure they spend their hard earned cash at the right counter.

Are you listening, Santa?



The Pink Quartz collection from Bobbi Brown was one of the big hits of the year, and surely the jewel in the crown must be this fabulously glamorous make-up trunk. A satiny pink/gold leather case, based on the practical workman's toolbox design, it would be the very thing to house my make-up in an organised fashion. This kind of luxury doesn't come cheap - in fact you will have to part with €600 for the privilege of taking it home (without a single product inside). At that price I would expect Bobbi herself to pop out of the case to personally do my make-up. Exclusive to Brown Thomas. A tool box from Woodies just wouldn't be the same, would it?


If a Persian green box peeked out from my wrapping paper on Christmas morning, my heart would beat a little faster and my eager fingers would race to see which Crème de la Mer product I was lucky enough to receive. None would disappoint, but top of my list would be The Concentrate, or Lifting Serum, or Moisturising Cream: a complete package for dream skin. All three would set you back €866, but any one, from about €225, would make a serious improvement to winter skin. From Brown Thomas and Airport Duty Free shopping.


My home will be the epitome of sophistication in 2008 if Santa is kind enough to choose L'Artisan Perfumier's ever-so-chic Chez Moi room fragrance diffuser. Vibrating waves of your favourite scent are dispensed from a ball, and there are up to five different aromas to choose from, which literally float through the air, calming the senses and keeping Christmas frayed nerves at bay. A total treat for €225. Phone 00-44-207-2212008 for mail order.


They're known as the "eye care experts" and La Prairie's new Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream would gladden my heart if it ended up in my stocking. Targeting the seven signs of ageing around the eyes: fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, loss of elasticity (sagging), puffiness, dark under-eye circles and dryness, this cream is the latest in the Caviar range, which has been out for 20 years now. Caviar comes at a cost, and this product costs €249 for 20ml, but if it does what it says on the tin, I'd consider it a bargain.


Finally, a super-duper facial would be welcome in the skin-bracing January months. Skin guru Eve Lom's signature facial is 90 minutes of pure bliss which includes lymphatic massage and acupressure and back, neck and shoulder massage. A great way to begin 2008. It costs €140 at Revive Salon, Milltown, Dublin.