What makes a new real man?

Social policy and books about men are beginning to reflect the need to nurture intimacy skills and sexual and emotional literacy…

Social policy and books about men are beginning to reflect the need to nurture intimacy skills and sexual and emotional literacy in men and boys. The Department of Education and Science is introducing an Exploring Masculinities programme to all boys' schools, for Transition Year and above. It contains a detailed work-pack designed to get boys to reflect critically on men's lives and masculinity, including relationships, health and sexuality.

According to Maureen Bohan, senior inspector with the Department of Education and Science: "It has been specifically developed in a holistic way to help boys to manage their feelings and communicate. The aim is to empower them to feel comfortable with themselves and let go of aggression or any other feelings of inadequacy that arise when they measure themselves against this ideal male who doesn't exist."

Recent books such as Eli Newberger's The Men They Will Become and Anthony Clare's On Men: Masculinity in Crisis, are trying to break the image of men as prisoners of biology, testosterone and an aggressive sex drive. In his book The Male Heterosexual, Larry Morris sets out an agenda for what he calls the New Real Man and his approach to sexuality. The New Real Man will:

know as much about true masculine sexuality as he does about other internal combustion engines;


know as much about true female sexuality as he does about football or other sports;

refrain from using power and position to extract sexual favours from others in more vulnerable positions;

destroy the coupling between sex and violence;

become a true father by producing only children he wishes to parent and has the means to care for properly;

be a real man regardless of level of sexual desire;

be a real man regardless of sexual orientation;

find satisfaction in exploring sexuality in playful ways;

mentor younger males in the art of becoming a true real man;

scoff at myths of masculinity.