United Colours of Domino

The Dublin Youth Theatre, now in its 21st year, has been the launching pad for many of the professional theatres livelier talents…

The Dublin Youth Theatre, now in its 21st year, has been the launching pad for many of the professional theatres livelier talents. It caters for the 14-22 age group, and has again, in its current production, assembled a group of instinctive and committed actors in a new play that gives them a real opportunity to display their burgeoning talents.

Nicholas Kelly, another new name to note, wrote United Colours of Domino, a comedy with a bite, which gives each of the cast of 16 a role with some depth and relevance. The story has two youth groups engaged in a project of community co-operation. One, from Dublin, plans to bring a "domino-topple" model to the small town of Kilcock, where it will merge with a local initiative also domino-based.

Part of the fun lies in the collision, psychological and physical, of city and rural youth. Here the studies embrace do-gooder project leaders, city tough guy, two coy love-birds, a goth-turned-punk - an up-to-date classification - a settled traveller, a hippy, a couple of man-eating girls and more. The author has avoided stereotype in both plot and characterisations, and has not shirked the dance side of his creations. But this is essentially a very funny and disarming production, in which director John White gets the most natural and convincing performances from his ebullient cast. They may still be amateurs (albeit it under professional direction): but they've got it and they flaunt it.

Runs until November 28th. Booking from, tel: 01-6796622.