The Waters, Derry

The last show in the post by the director of the Orchard Gallery, Liam Kelly, makes a suitably provocative farewell.

The last show in the post by the director of the Orchard Gallery, Liam Kelly, makes a suitably provocative farewell.

In Fountain, Nigel Rolfe's full-colour vignette, his bald head constantly regurgitates a never-ending waterspray. Dorothy Cross's more powerful Teacup projects a tossing currach from Flaherty's Man Of Aran. In another Delft setting, Tacita Dean filmed a wave machine, projecting its water's surface as a ribbon echoing both the film's loop and Holland's war with the sea.

In January, Norwegian Ana Dolven's nipples rise through soapy water like an early Louis le Brocquy nude. Even more mesmeric are Belgian Marie-Jo Lafontaine's Waves.

Until February 13th.