A selective guide to events and activities this summer and Noel Molloy, performance artist and sculptor, takes of his favourite…

A selective guide to events and activities this summer and Noel Molloy, performance artist and sculptor, takes of his favourite places in his native county Roscommon.


Playing until Saturday, September 21st, at Bewley's Café Theatre on Grafton Street, Dublin, is the world's first showing of Fred and Jane, a play written by Sebastian Barry in the mid-1990s. Starring Mary McEvoy and Colette Proctor, it explores the friendship between two nuns. The lunch-time performance runs Monday to Friday, costing €10 including soup and sandwiches. Doors open at 12.50 p.m.



Excerpts from Showboat and Kiss me, Kate will be performed tonight at the National Concert Hall in its RTÉ Theatre Nights series. Presented by Kevin Hough, the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets cost €16 or €20. Booking is at 01-417 0000.


A free family fun day in the Stardust Memorial Park, Coolock, is planned this Sunday between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Organised by Dublin City Council in the Music in the Park 2002 series, it will feature music from Borderline.

My Native County - Roscommon

Noel Molloy, performance artist and sculptor

Three of my favourite places:

1 Rathcroghan is just outside Tulsk (which is about 10 miles from Roscommon town). It's 100 square miles of ring forts and raths. Some say it's even more important than Tara. There are souterrains and old field markings and there's an interpretative centre, Cruachán Aí where you can go. It's incredibly spiritual and a magical landscape.

2 Then Lough Key Forest Park would be near Boyle. It's got a lake with an island. It's an incredible landscape. There was a big house there which has been demolished. It's got tunnels and the trees are very old.

3 I suppose my third place would be Gailey Bay on the Shannon. We used to bring the kids out there. It's a nice expanse of water and some friends used to go fishing there.

Catherine Foley

Just in Times - late offers

La Gomera is a hidden gem of the Canary Islands. Not easily accessible, this mountainous island was the last staging post for Christopher Columbus before he set sail to America. It is quiet and peaceful, and is known for its year-round good weather. The first step from Ireland is to get to Tenerife, where a short boat ride will bring you to La Gomera. Accommodation is in self-catering apartments and villas. Telephone Casas Canarias, for details at (0044) 2 07 485 4387. Low season begins in a few weeks time and apartments are for rent from £196 sterling a week.

Joan Scales