
Eoin Butler 's guide to singles, downloads and free audiostreams.

Eoin Butler's guide to singles, downloads and free audiostreams.

Once Upon a Christmas Time
Universal ***

Can anyone stop The X Factorkaraoke conveyor belt from claiming a fourth consecutive Christmas No 1? Peter Kay and Gary Barlow lead the chase with this spoof effort, to be released the same day. But there are also a couple of other long-shot contenders. Among them:

It's Christmas and I Hate You
Rough Trade **


"Merry Christmas babe, I think I hate you/A little bit more than last year." No doubt Josh and the annoying woman he duets with here (sounds suspiciously like Kate Nash, no?) view this track as a sort of hipster updating of Fairytale of New York. It isn't.

Santa's Coming Over
Sub Pop ***

The kids in the video look absolutely petrified - and who can blame them? The Duluth trio have a history of Christmas- themed releases, but I don't think they've ever done anything quite this weird before. If you want to frighten the bejaysus out of your children this holiday season, look no further.

Much Worse Things to Believe In   ****

Not strictly a contender for the top spot, but I'm including it anyway. A Colbert Christmas, Stephen Colbert's US TV special, features a host of memorable moments, from Willie Nelson's reefer-themed Christmas carol ( Let Not Mankind Bogart Love) to Jon Stewart's creditably tuneful paean to religious diversity ( Can I Interest You in Chanukah?). But the true highlight is arguably this sappy duet with Elvis Costello. From a comedian who specialises in hard-nosed satire, it's surprisingly heartwarming.

It's Christmas Time

The Quo's 75th single is also their first ever seasonal offering. With lyrics that allude to the relentless march of time ("Funny, but it seems like yesterday/I put that tinsel away"), the aging boogie-woogie merchants appear to implicitly acknowledge their own ultimate mortality. Ho ho ho!