New DVDs

The latest releases reviewed.

The latest releases reviewed.


Directed by Darren Aronofsky. Starring Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn, Mark Margolis, Stephen McHattie, Fernando Hernandez 15A cert

Reading the wildly divergent - though largely appalling - reviews of Darren Aronofsky's deranged epic, fans of his previous films, Pi and Requiem for a Dream, could be forgiven for feeling a little uneasy.


Then again, upon hearing that the film was not even to be released here, they may have begun cultivating expectations that it would turn out to be a misunderstood masterpiece in the class of Brazil or Heaven's Gate. Sadly, though the picture is of interest, this is not quite the case.

The story, insofar as there is such a thing, concerns the attempts of Hugh Jackman's scientist to find a cure for the terminal disease affecting his wife (Rachel Weisz). The quest sees him travelling across the centuries and through a universe of magical trees and other whimsical entities more usually encountered on the sleeves of Yes albums.

There are brilliant ideas here and evidence of admirable ambition, but, ultimately, the film collapses beneath its accumulating silliness. It is, nonetheless, one of the most fascinating failures you could ever encounter.


Directed by Phil Joanou. Starring The Rock, Xzibit, L Scott Caldwell, Leon Rippy, Kevin Dunn, Jade Yorker. 15A cert

The Rock, an official in a juvenile detention centre, seeks to instil self-respect and discipline in his charges by yelling at them on the American football pitch. The film, buoyed up by the lead's undeniable charm, is as efficiently handled as any of the other recent films in the annoying inspirational teacher genre. But, really, who cares?

Directed by Douglas McGrath. Starring Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Daniel Craig, Sigourney Weaver, Juliet Stevenson, Hope Davis. 16 cert

Blessed with an excellent central performance from Jones, McGrath's film overcomes initial suspicions and proves that, despite the recent success of Capote, there are still fresh things to be said about Truman Capote's researches into the murders that inspired his book In Cold Blood. Surprisingly funny, the film is issued here with a commentary from McGrath.


Directed by Edgar Wright. Starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jim Broadbent, Timothy Dalton, Paddy Considine. 15A cert

Pegg and Wright, creators of Shaun of the Dead, turn from zombie movies to action flicks for their latest amalgam of pastiche and homage. If ever a film were suited to DVD it is Hot Fuzz. The distributors are, thus, to be praised for putting together a smashing two-disc package featuring commentaries, out-takes and even a shame-faced featurette on plot holes. An extra star is duly awarded.


Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Starring Kuno Becker, Anna Friel, Alessandro Nivola, David Beckham, Stephen Dillane. 12A cert

If you liked Goal! then you'll love Goal! 2. Then again, if you liked Goal! you are probably more likely to eat The Ticket than read it.

The hilariously bad sequel, in which the footballing hero travels to Real Madrid, is issued here with meagre extras. If it comes your way, make like Mr Becker and kick it as hard and as far away as you can.