Ry Cooder: Ry Cooder 1970-1987 Rhino

Ry Cooder 1970-1987
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Artist: Ry Cooder
Genre: Rock
Label: Rhino

This great Californian guitarist and musicologist was 23 in 1970, when he released his self-titled debut, and 40 when he took a sabbatical from his solo career after his 11th album (Get Rhythm). In between there were gems aplenty as Cooder joyfully explored the roots of American music: Boomer's Story (1972), Paradise and Lunch (1974), Showtime (1977), Bop Til You Drop (1979), and my fave of favourites, Chicken Skin Music (1976). Soundtracks and collaborations, such as his Cuban project with the Buena Vista Social Club, followed before Cooder resumed his solo work in 2005. This boxset includes those first 11 albums in what is a sadly bare-bones production, albeit reasonably priced. There is no overview, no sleeve notes, no context, just the original cover art reduced to CD size. The music remains wonderful, but it is shortchanged by the tawdry presentation. nonesuch.com/
Download: He'll Have To Go, Dark End of the Street, Little Sister