What’s on your rider? RSAG (rarely seen above ground)

What's On Your Rider?Water and towels.

What would be on your fantasy rider?Water, towels and a banana.

What's the best gig you've been to?At The Burning Man in 2003. I stumbled across this metal theme installation. It was a small army tent like from M*A*S*H*. Inside were these kids playing metal all day every day. The playing wasn't great, but the sonics in the tent were.

And the worst?Same gig about 10 minutes in.


What are your favourite and least favourite venues?Favourite is Róisín Dubh in Galway. I think the sound is great in there. Low ceiling, small enough venue with a good sound system. The Workman's Club, because of good sound and good stage monitoring. Vicar Street – I like the shape of it. A good view of the stage from any position in the audience.

Least favourite?The community hall in Coon, Co Kilkenny. I played my first or second gig there with my first band. I think I was 14. We went to Mass before the gig, as you did back then. We charged two old-school very large notes to get in. The place was full but they wanted those two large sheets back and we had to cut the gig short and hightail it with cash in hand. The word "lynching" came to mind.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?Forgetting lyrics.

What's the most you've ever paid for a gig ticket?$90 to see The Sex Pistols in San Francisco in 2003.

Chatting between songs – good or bad?If you have something to say, good, but if you don't it will only ruin the music.

Groupies. Would you?No, I'd have to get to know them first. I'm a sensitive soul.

If you could be in any other band, which one?Playing tambourine in Buddy Rich's big band, so I could just watch him do his thing night after night. Apparently he didn't like tambourines, though.

Who's invited to your aftershow party?The freakiest people in the audience.

What's your best tour story?Meeting the Pixies in the Olympia after playing two sold- out shows with them. Really cool people. Very humble.

Rarely Seen Above Ground play the Workman’s Club, Dublin tonight