What's on your rider? Cormac Battle of Kerbdog

What’s on your rider? 24 cans of low-quality lager, a cheese board, rubber gloves and large tub of E45 dry skin cream.

What's on your rider?24 cans of low-quality lager, a cheese board, rubber gloves and large tub of E45 dry skin cream.

What would be on your fantasy rider?A vibrating double bed, The surviving members of Pan's People and a case of Pimm's.

What's your pre-gig ritual/ routine?We all shuffle around nervously looking at the ground. Not unlike when the slow set used to start at discos in the '80s.

What's the best gig you've been to?Rage Against the Machine in LA – the gig was on in the singer's apartment.


What are your favourite and least favourite venues?All venues in Hull are torture chambers. Favourite venue is the Metro in Chicago.

What's the most you've ever paid for a gig ticket?£30 to a tout to see Sonic Youth in McGonagles in the early '90s.

Chatting between songs – good or bad?Good to let off nervous steam and remind the audience of my show on 2fm.

Have you a special stage wardrobe?Life is a catwalk, dahling, so we're always ready for the stage.

Do you like to meet and greet fans after the gig?For sure. They might tell you you're fab and, more importantly, buy you a pint (mine's lager by the way).

What's the worst thing ever thrown at you?A pair of crutches by a very angry man in Philadelphia.

If you could be in any other band, which one?The Chemical Brothers: turn up to gigs with a laptop, send a few emails to each other on stage, and fill your bank account.

What's your best tour story?When doing festivals around Europe, one of our crew was selling bits of our equipment to buy elicit substances for himself. We only copped it when there were no drumsticks or strings left for the guitars, forcing him to fess up.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea. Kerbog play Dublin’s The Academy tomorrow