Radiators dig deep for new album

MUSIC NEWS: Irish punk stalwarts The Radiators from Space are the latest band to sign up to FundIt

MUSIC NEWS:Irish punk stalwarts The Radiators from Space are the latest band to sign up to FundIt.ie, the public-funded websit.

The band, who reformed in 2004, plan to use the money raised via the site to record Amusements, an album of cover songs by bands that were influential in shaping their sound.

"The beat music made in Ireland between 1964 and 1971 tells a sort of alternative history of how Irish rock music begins to develop into the eclectic hybrid we now have," lead singer and Pogues guitarist Phil Chevron said. "Apart from Rory, Skid, Lizzy and Horslips – all of whom get their due on our album – there is no real prehistory of how the music developed.
It didn't look like anyone else was going to explore it, so we made a decision to do so."

As for their decision to go down the FundIt route, Chevron said it was a necessity. "In an ideal world, the Arts Council would be funding projects by artists of the proven merit of The Radiators, but, as it's not an ideal world, we are grateful to have the opportunity to raise money this way."

Pre-production has already started, and the album will be released "as soon as is feasible". fundit.ie 

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Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times