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AILBHE MALONE gets bored with Biebs and morose with Miley

AILBHE MALONEgets bored with Biebs and morose with Miley


Advent Calendar by Bright Light Bright Light

OK, so this is a series of tracks, rather than actually just one. But we just can't choose! Electro popster Bright Light Bright Light is re-mixing a track a day – melding one of his tunes with those of Kylie, Britney and Scissor Sisters. Get your disco Christmas hit at soundcloud.com/brightlightx2


Justin Bieber has acknowledged that sometimes fans get bored of his music. Biebs told Style magazine “People get bored. Everything is so accessible that they get sick of things. A new song gets old quickly, because fans can go on the internet and watch it so many times in a row. You have to be creative fast.” That’s why he took a swing at a new direction for his latest album, he explains. “If I stayed doing the music I did on my last album, they’d get bored. They’ve already had that. I just have to give more and more.”

Miley Cyrus has been thinking about the qualities she wants in a friend, she tells OK! Magazine: “I like it when people are honest. Like, if I look bad, I want you to tell me I look bad,” she revealed. “I really like honest people and I think that’s why me and Kelly Osbourne get along so well, and I think a lot of people are put out by it. They can’t believe that she really has no filter, but I don’t really either.”

It’s not all hanging out with Kelly Osbourne and having an adorable new haircut though. Miley still feels like she missed out on the little things, like prom. “I still got to go to prom but it wasn’t the same. Like, people bugged me for photos when I was at the prom. I went with a gay guy, and it was like the best, most fabulous night of my whole life. So I actually had a really good time when I got to go, but it was different, because it wasn’t like I got asked by my high school boyfriend or anything.” Sadface.