Martyn: The Air Between Words

The Air Between Words
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Artist: Martyn
Genre: Electronic
Label: Ninja Tune

Dutch producer Martyn Deykers strikes you as a man with no desire to be pinned down. Between the expansive highs of his Great Lengths debut and this, his third album, Deykers has roamed far and wide from the bass swingers with which he made his grand entrance five years ago. The Air Between Words is a trip beyond the dark, twisted house and tech arcs of its 2011 predecessor, Ghost People, a much more sonically adventurous sweep of sounds and sonics. Deykers teams up with Four Tet for the haunted thumb-piano symphony Glassbeadgames, and there's a lovely turn from Inga Copeland on the electropop chiller Love of Pleasure. But Deykers is very much calling the shots on where this sleek, playful bandwagon is heading. A fine display of stylistic muscle-flexing from the Dutchman.

Download: Glassbeadgames, Love of Pleasure