Lalo: Trio No 1; Bruch: Trio in C Minor; Mendelssohn: Trio No 1: Petrof Piano Trio

Lalo, Bruch, Mendelssohn
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Artist: Petrof Piano Trio, Édouard Lalo, Max Bruch, Felix Mendelssohn
Genre: Classical
Label: Nimbus Alliance

The Petrof Piano Trio, resident ensemble of the Czech piano company Petrof, was formed in 2009. But its members – violinist Jan Schulmeister, cellist Kamil Zvak and pianist Martina Schulmeisterova – play like old hands (Schulmeister is a long- standing member of the Wihan String Quartet). The main work here is the 20-year-old Mendelssohn's D minor, the sometimes whirlwind outer movements given with thrust, blend and clarity; the sentiment and lightness of the central movements also nicely characterised. The trio bring a weight to the two other rarely heard trios by young men (Bruch's written at 19, Lalo's at 27) that might surprise in works you're unlikely to have heard.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor