Christmas Gigs

See the event listings section for details

See the event listings section for details

Normal service continues in the New Year, when there aren’t as many Irish acts staying at home for the traditional Christmas fare. This time of year it’s a veritable Irish music festival on the island, as the likes of Power of Dreams, Paddy Casey, O Emperor, The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra, Gemma Hayes, The Saw Doctors, Fight Like Apes, Sultans of Ping, Declan O’Rourke, Jack L, Aslan, The Jimmy Cake, Frank and Walters, Coronas and Juliet Turner traverse the country to give paying customers what they want: a dose of familiarity and fun, and pretty much something for everyone.

And lest we forget that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a turkey, X Factor's Wagner makes his Irish debut.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture