Arcade Fire

O2, Dublin Sun/Mon 6.30pm €55.80 0818-719300

O2, Dublin Sun/Mon 6.30pm €55.80 0818-719300

They’ve managed to sustain their appeal and credibility for much longer than the average critic’s-choice band, and we suspect that Arcade Fire will remain on top for some time to come. Certainly, headlining gigs at venues as large as the O2 is a long way from their quite humble beginnings in Montreal early in the decade, where future husband and wife Win Butler (above) and Regine Chassagne, along with various band members, performed in art gallery spaces and the like.

From those early days, Arcade Fire has developed into something rare in rock music: an all-encompassing (and regularly interchangeable) multi-instrumental group that has so far refused to bow to pressure to reinvent themselves, or create some kind of wow-factor jape with every passing season.

In this, Arcade Fire seem fully aligned with the likes of, say, Bruce Sprinsgteen: they plough their own singular furrow with commitment, dedication and focus. Celebrate their state of independence, why don’t you? (Note the early start time of these concerts. Special guests include Vampire Weekend and Devendra Banhart.)


Can't see that? Catch this:

Richard Hawley Tomorrow, Dingle, Co Kerry

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture