
Shangaan Electro: New Wave Dance Music from South Africa Honest Jons ****

Shangaan Electro: New Wave Dance Music from South AfricaHonest Jons ****

Not counting the vuvuzela, the latest sound to come blasting out of South Africa is Shangaan electro, a hyperactive, gleeful, infectious blend of thumb- pianos (as previously employed to hypnotic effect by Kinshasa buccaneers Konono No 1), synths and slippery beats. It's a sound that has moved with the Shangaan people from their homes in rural Limpopo to the urban sprawl of Joburg, where it takes on a whole new dimension. Shangaan Electrois your first immersion into that scene and, in particular, the work of champion producer Nozinja. For your money, you get a dozen bizarre, bewildering and buckwild sonic slam- dunks, one as bonkers and disorientating as the next, yet each strangely compelling. For more, check out YouTube clips of Shangaan parties, where lithe dancers throw themselves around with wild abandon and frantic energy to the high- tempo sounds. See honestjons. com

Download tracks: Tshetsha Boys, Nwampfundla; BBC, Ngozi