The Vaccines

What Did You Expect from The Vaccines Sony ****

What Did You Expect from The Vaccines Sony ****

They may be the latest, greatest indie noise on the scene right now, but the London four-piece (from dead posh backgrounds, apparently) had some way to go with this debut to get away from the early Jesus and Mary Chain/Ramones comparisons. Thankfully they've exceeded all expectations with this genuinely exciting collection of songs. If You Wannais 1960s garage rock-a-go-go that canters along at a merry indie-pop pace, but A Lack Of Understandingis what really impresses here – a glacial, sonorous affair that displays a deft touch. Post Break-Up Sexshows that The Vaccines know their way around the verse-chorus-verse structure. Although the sound is drenched with indie idioms, they never run away from a pop hook. Well worth investigating. See

Download tracks: A Lack of Understanding, If You Wanna

Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes mainly about music and entertainment