Snoop Dogg

Doggumentary Doggy Style **

Doggumentary Doggy Style**

There must be times when even Snoop Dogg himself wonders what the hell is going on. The rapper – once hip-hop's most valuable player – is now a B-list celebrity who seems to say yes to everyone and everything that comes his way. Between bad acting, hosting TV shows, coaching football teams and pimping sportswear, the Dogg doesn't really have a lot of time for rapping, and the uneven, patchy, occasionally messy Doggumentaryis proof of that.

While he gets full marks for working his contact list to the max – the 20-plus guests include Willie Nelson, Kanye West, John Legend, Gorillaz, R Kelly, Bootsy Collins and T-Pain – the mishmash of tracks rarely hits the target because there’s no one to direct and produce the Dogg.

That said, his duet with Nelson on Supermanis inspired for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps there's another career waiting for Snoop as a country maverick – there's certainly a TV show in it.

