
Something 'bout Kreasy Columbia *

Something 'bout Kreasy Columbia*

Pop-culture watchers will recall Oakland rapper Natassia Zolot’s brilliantly on-point Gucci Gucci earworm. Those searching her debut album for similar gems will be hugely disappointed, as there’s absolutely nothing here that merits comparison. Worse, there’s no indication that Zolot has the wherewithal or wit to realise what she should be doing at the microphone. Unlike the sassy super-sharpshooters she thinks she’s emulating, Zolot comes across as vacuous, uninspired, insolent, petulant.

While there's often fun to be had from mining such qualities, Zolot's music sounds like it was hard work to make (and, trust me, it's just as hard to listen to) with a complete lack of sparkle or shape-throwing. The Columbia label's bottom line is unlikely to be overly troubled by profits from this wretched release.

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