Karol Gwozdz

Tamte Czasy, Psychonavigation Records ***

Tamte Czasy, Psychonavigation Records***

No, we haven't a clue what the track titles mean in English. And, no, we hadn't heard of Karol Gwozdz prior to his debut album slipping in under the radar a few weeks ago. But crikey, this is such a sweet, calm and understated work of electronica (it could also be classified under contemporary classical, if you were of a mind) that the initial excitement at first hearing is soon replaced by a quelling of the spirits totally in keeping with the album's diminished pulse rate. The sometime DJ, who is from Poland, delivers a record of some style. It won't win any prizes for rewriting the rules of ambient music, but if you're looking for a suitable and textured replacement to (or enhancement of) your collected works of Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Max Richter or Dustin O'Halloran, then you're in for subtle, rippling delights. karolgwozdz.eu

Download tracks: Dyszczowy Poranek Na Bytkowje, Gurnoslunskje Tragedyje

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture