Josh T Pearson

Last of the Country Gentlemen Mute ***

Last of the Country GentlemenMute ***

Pearson was once in cult US band Lift to Experience, which released one much-praised album, The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads, in 2001 and promptly split up. Pearson then went underground, eventually landing in Paris and then Berlin where, in the aftermath of a disastrous relationship, he started writing this album. To say it's confessional, torn asunder by fissures of the heart and frayed emotions, is an understatement – it makes Bon Iver sound like The Monkees. There is a vicious honesty at work, and in songs such as Honeymoon's Great: Wish You Were Herand Sorry With a Song,he reflects on fear and a self-loathing that is virtually sadistic. Musically, the mood throughout is as considered as the lyrics – no dancing here, just intense diary entries that keep you rooted to the spot. He plays Dublin's Workman's Club tomorrow. See joshtpearson.

Download tracks: Honeymoon's Great: Wish You Were Her

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture