Benjamin Schaefer

Beneath the surface Enja ***

Beneath the surface Enja***

Gifted German pianist Benjamin Schaefer introduces a quartet of clarinets, viola and cellointo the tight cohesion of his acclaimed trio, with bassist Robert Landfermann and drummer Marcus Rieck. And while they add background colour to the ensemble, notably on driving opener Bryant Park, Schaefer has also sought to integrate them into the trio's dialogue with skill and intelligence, helped by the fact that the clarinets (Holger Werner and Niels Klein) are capable soloists. The mix of written and improvised is especially effective on Shanty, the later stages of Bryant Parkand the long, ambitious title track, which unexpectedly ends in free playing. Yet, while the trio's core virtues are undiminished by the fresh elements, the most striking music on an excellent album is to be found in the trio performances on Legend of the Green Parrot, Distant Shoresand Descent. See