Band of Horses

Infinite Arms Columbia ***

Infinite Arms Columbia ***

With the new Phosphorescent and John Grant albums, it seems as if the loose genre of Americana is not so much being stretched as cut up and stitched together in new and interesting ways. Like those two acts, Seattle via South Carolina's Band of Horses take the template of a form of country rock and apply to it facets of pure pop (The Beach Boys), power pop (Big Star) and harmony-driven soft rock (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young). It's nothing new, but the constituent parts of Infinite Armsmake for heady listening. From the mellow Alex Chilton-like Blue Beardand the Pet Sounds- era swoon of On My Way Back Hometo the elegant lilt of Olderand the domestic reflectiveness of Evening Kitchen, Band of Horses (fronted by Ben Bridwell, who wrote most of the album) sound like a group that mix vintage and retro with modernity and ruggedness. The result is dreamy Americana/pop begging for good weather. See bandof

Download tracks: Blue Beard, On My Way Back Home, Evening Kitchen

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture