Acts tune up to tell their story

The flourishing independent Irish music scene is set to be documented in video form over the next few months

The flourishing independent Irish music scene is set to be documented in video form over the next few months. Community of Independents is the brainchild of Barry Lennon, who co-manages Richter Collective, one of the country’s most successful independent labels.

Lennon is collaborating with Dublin Community Television (DCTV) and First Music Contact on the project, which will tell the stories of six acts from around the country. Patrick Kelleher and His Cold Dead Hands, La Faro, Windings, Owensie, Axis Of and Junior 85 were chosen from more than 40 applicants and will participate in the first phase of the project, which is a €5 gig at Whelan’s on September 6th. These short performances will be filmed and broadcast on DCTV in October. The series is being made via the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s Sound and Vision scheme.