Israel has an inherent right to defend itself against aggression

WHILE Israel deeply regrets the tragic incident in Qana which caused the loss of civilian life, the underlying aims of Operation…

WHILE Israel deeply regrets the tragic incident in Qana which caused the loss of civilian life, the underlying aims of Operation Grapes of Wrath to protect Israeli civilians in northern Israel, remain valid.

Israel's military actions began after a long period of restraint and unceasing attempts at diplomatic dialogue to prevent the indiscriminate firing of rockets by Hizbullah on Israel's northern towns and villages.

The Qana tragedy and the harm done to civilians are, first of all, a terrible human tragedy. The tragedy of Qana was not intentional. It did not serve Israel's objectives and it is completely contrary to the nature of the operation. However, it occurred under combat conditions, when one of our units was attacked from all sides, and fired in self defence. Not withstanding, Israel shall examine the incident in a responsible and, organised manner.

The terrible tragedy of Qana and the suffering of Lebanon in general are due to the activities of the terrorist organisations, first and foremost Hizbullah. The Hizbullah deliberately, in a display of cruel, cynicism, fired rockets and mortars near the UN position in Qana, knowing that many civilians were in the base and retreated to the same UN base.


This was in fact the 20th time, since the start of the operation that the Hizbullah has fired rockets in the vicinity of UN positions. These facts have been independently confirmed by the UN.

For a number of years Hizbullah has used the villages and the civilian populations of southern Lebanon as a base and as cover for its activities against Israel and tried to dictate impossible "rules of the game", which it claims grant it immunity from Israel's response. Such a situation cannot continue.

There is no immunity for terrorists, anywhere. Beirut is no longer any more special than Kiryat Shmona, or Tyre any more special than Nahariya or Sidon than Ma'alot. If there will be Katyushas on Kiryat Shmona, the Hizbullah strongholds will not be immune from attack.

On the other hand, if there will be quiet in Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya and Ma'alot then there will also be quiet for Beirut, Tyre and Sidon. Israel's hand is extended in peace, but it is also en garde in order to overcome any hostile design. Nothing will be achieved by using force against us.

We have suffered pain and destruction and so have innocent civilian Arabs. The enemies of peace of today, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah are threatening to return the Middle East to the dark days of bitter conflict and wars.

The upsurge in terrorist activities must be viewed against the backdrop of the current peace process. Hizbullah, inspired by Iran, is intent on perpetrating war and strife.

Although the media concentrate on the situation in south Lebanon, it should be noted that the goals of Hizbullah go beyond that. Hizbullah's vice chairman, Naeem Kassem has stated: "We oppose and will continue to oppose the Zionist entity . . . Israel has no reason to exist" (March 18th, 1996).

Hundreds of Katyusha rockets have been fired at civilian centres in northern Israel. Numerous Israelis have been injured and more than 1,250 buildings damaged. These attacks have resulted in the evacuation of women, children and the elderly from Israel's northern towns and villages, while those that remain are forced to live underground in bomb shelters (which were built as a consequence of previous attacks).

It is only due to these measures that Israeli casualties from Hizbullah rockets have been fewer than they would have been otherwise.

The Katyusha rockets may be cheap, crude and old but they most certainly have the capacity to be deadly, and their lack of accuracy is no comfort to those who have been on the receiving end. In this context - Israel's actions cannot be seen as disproportionate.

After it became evident that diplomatic and other means of putting an end to terrorist acts were unsuccessful, Israel has undertaken Operation Grapes of Wrath within its inherent right of self defence, to end the scourge of the indiscriminate bombing of northern Israel.

LEBANON has been unable or unwilling to eliminate the presence of terrorist attacks against Israel from within its territory. In fact the Lebanon and Syria, which controls Lebanon, have openly encouraged such activities.

Israel faces a vast arsenal of weapons, ammunition and missiles, all of which constitute a direct and actual threat to its security and the safety of its civilians. The magnitude and immediacy of this threat leaves Israel no alternative but to act wherever necessary to remove this threat.

Israel's operation thus constitutes a direct and integral response to a conflict initiated, planned and pursued by the Hizbullah at the behest of Iran against Israel. No other responsible government in our situation would have acted differently.

Israel has no territorial claims to the security zone in southern Lebanon. Israel did not conquer it, but rather established it after it became clear that the government of Lebanon had no intention of policing the area and it became a staging ground for terrorist attacks on northern Israel.

Israel's presence in southern Lebanon is limited to the extent needed to protect Israeli citizens from terrorism emanating from Lebanese territory.

In conclusion, Israel welcomes diplomatic initiatives that will ensure a permanent end to Hizbullah terrorism. Israel has no territorial claim on Lebanese territory and is eager to reach a peace settlement with Lebanon on the basis of mutual security and recognition of the international border.

The coming days will tell if it will be possible to achieve stability and calm things down through the establishment of firm agreements.