


There's more of Homer Simpson in Texan Phillip Owen's one-man show, Homer, than of your man who wrote the Odyssey. It's the story of a young Texan, who - like Owen, who has also written the show - follows a trail from Texas to Berlin and back, via Dublin. Germany, he discovers, is full of German people. And beer. Texas is full of Texans and family, who are still the same when he comes home, after ritually falling in love prior to departure. Owen tries hard, but Homer just doesn't have enough variety of pace or performance - let alone depth of script - that a one-man show needs to sustain interest. Neither is it helped by the fact that the accompanying music is often far too loud, with lines frequently being lost as a result.

Until Saturday at 9.30 p.m.

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland is Senior Features Writer with The Irish Times. She was named NewsBrands Ireland Journalist of the Year for 2018