Baby Nom Nom

Baby Nom Nom
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Publisher: Playrise
Reviewed On: iPhone
Cert: 3
Available On: iPad,iPhone

Have you ever noticed how nice rice sounds? It makes a pleasant trill as it spills into a pan. You'll be hearing that sound a lot in Baby Nom Nom, a clever and tasty app game from Playrise. The object of the game is to tilt maze-like contraptions towards a bowl belonging to an adorable cartoon baby. (They really ladle on the cutes.) Tilt the rice so it spills down towards the child's bowl, making sure it doesn't get stuck in corners or get spilled out the side. You can manipulate the rice so it connects with bonus fruits, wear down obstacles by leaning the rice onto them, find teleport points and even collect keys that will open latches. These physics-based puzzles are timed – quite rare for an app game – which makes the problem-solving quite intense. Baby Nom Nom has 36 levels, which is just about enough to make it decent value for money. And the animation is nice, as the child makes a series of funny faces from joy to despair to withering judgment.