Good vibes and ghouls in Galway

Its still all go at the Galway Film Fleadh

Its still all go at the Galway Film Fleadh. The event kicked off on Tuesday with a screening of Jon Wright’s mirthsome horror comedy Grabbers and closes on Sunday with an unveiling of James Marsh’s Northern Irish thriller Shadow Dancer. Other tantalising events still to come include a public interview with Isabelle Huppert and screenings of Good Vibrations, a film about Belfast music maestro Terri Hooley, plus a first outing for Mark O’Connors intriguing Stalker.

This being Friday the 13th, the Fleadh will sling some classic horror at its brave punters. At 6.15pm today you can catch The Exorcist by my good friend William Friedkin. At 11pm, attendees can chill to the perennially hilarious Texas Chain Saw Massacre. See
