Donald Clarke's Weekly Movie Quiz

Here with the weekly movie quiz

Here with the weekly movie quiz

1Which current top-10 release had its premiere in Wellington, New Zealand?

2Which film has just become the most financially lucrative release ever in the UK?

3Who links Ree Dolly, Raven Darkholme, Katniss Everdene and Tiffany Maxwell?


4Which veteran actor wrote The Moon's a Balloon and Bring on the Empty Horses?

5Which 1990s film begins with an airport travellator and Across 110th Street?

6Who's playing Santa in the snap?

7What links Scars, The Satanic Rites and Prince of Darkness with AD 1972?

8Combine the follower of a particular religion with a large bundle to create a current Anglo-American star.

9What comes next: Once, Slumdog Millionaire, Crazy Heart, Toy Story 3?

10What links Jimmy Stewart (1939), Hugo Weaving (1999) and Brad Pitt (2005)?

And the answers are below . . . .

1.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


3. Jennifer Lawrence (characters play in Winter's Bone, X-Men: First Class, The Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook)

4. David Niven

5. Jackie Brown

6.Paul Giamatti (in Fred Claus)

7.Included in the titles of Hammer Dracula pictures

8. Christian Bale

9. The Muppets (recent winner of the Academy Award for best original song)

10.All played Smiths (Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Agent Smith in The Matrix, Mr and Mrs Smith)