Crazy adventures in short film

Be aware that the Wee Adventure Film Festival will kick off tomorrow at Dublin’s Vicar Street venue

Be aware that the Wee Adventure Film Festival will kick off tomorrow at Dublin’s Vicar Street venue. It says here that the event showcases 19 short films featuring “rock climbing, mountain biking, kite-surfing, long-distance ocean-rowing, paragliding, bold mountaineering, wild windsurfing, insane cliff- jumping, slack-lining skills, rubber dinghies, Icelandic trolls and much, much more”.

Hang on a moment. Did they say "much, much more"? Surely every imaginable recreational peril is included in that list. "Insane" cliff-jumping?

Rest assured that it's all in a good cause. The festival will be supporting the Ireland to Everest team in their bid to raise funds to establish a Lung Transplant Support Fund.