A latest release reviewed

A latest release reviewed

Satan's Circus Drone

One listen to Ein Fur Die Damen and you can see Death In Vegas's big-beat past receding further and further in the rear-view mirror. Indeed, they've also spurned the unexciting, angsty electronic rock that has dogged them since the off and made parts of Contino Sessions, some of Scorpio Rising and all of their live shows such trying, turgid affairs. In its place comes sweeping, slinky Krautrock splendour with nods to early 1970s psychedelic freakouts, early ambient noodlers and fellow dopey travellers in out-there sound. Gone, too, for this outing is their reliance on dodgy vocalists (goodbye Liam Gallagher, you big girl's blouse), leaving Richard Fearless and Tim Holmes free to plug in and dig a new instrumental groove. Once you've happily nodded your head to Zugaga or Kontroll, you'll want to do it all over again. www.continorooms.com

Jim Carroll