Corrections And Clarifications

In yesterday's Education & Living supplement, an incorrect date was given in an illustration accompanying the Junior Certificate…

In yesterday's Education & Living supplement, an incorrect date was given in an illustration accompanying the Junior Certificate timetable. It should have read Thursday, June 24th.

A report in last Friday's editions headed "Beef tribunal solicitor has fees increased by £165,000" inadvertently gave the impression that Mr Donal Spring's practice is in Tralee. It is in Dublin. Fees are not paid directly to Mr Spring, rather to his partnership, Spring Murray & Co.

In our editions of Wednesday, May 19th, we quoted Ms Theresa McAteer of Transport for All saying some disabled people had told her they could not get to the local shops because of the lack of accessible transport. In a quote abstracted from that report for our "This Week They Said" column on Saturday, May 22nd, we inadvertently gave the impression that Ms McAteer had been referring to herself.

It was incorrect to say that the FBI had confirmed that it was no longer actively involved in the investigation into the murder of Ms Rosemary Nelson, as stated in the report headed "FBI's role in Nelson inquiry has concluded - spokesman" in Monday's editions. The error occurred in the editing process.


Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.

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