By Name and Nature - Crypt, Dublin Castle

Written by Edward Coughlan, who is also one of the trio of multi-role actors, with Marcos Bale and Julie Sharkey, this play focuses…

Written by Edward Coughlan, who is also one of the trio of multi-role actors, with Marcos Bale and Julie Sharkey, this play focuses myopically on the life and times of Jack Deft, Would-Be-Actor. Will a career be forever stunted if our hero does not get the part in a banana ad, for example? There's far too much of the whiff of self-indulgent student-type in-jokes in this production to engage a wider interest. There is, however, consistently very clever and imaginative use of props, and fine staging from director Fiona Lawton.

The highlight has to be the scene where Jack is shown around a potential flat for rent, with three bodies contorting into a tiny space to show just how bijou the residence is. The audience howled their empathy.

Until Saturday, 9.30 p.m.

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland is Senior Features Writer with The Irish Times. She was named NewsBrands Ireland Journalist of the Year for 2018