Bad Sunday - International Bar

Mark Wale's play about a Dublin family's Sunday outing in a borrowed car gets off to a cracking start, with a fast pace, sharp…

Mark Wale's play about a Dublin family's Sunday outing in a borrowed car gets off to a cracking start, with a fast pace, sharp, funny dialogue, and inventive use of the tiny stage. With only five chairs, fine mime-work actors Martina Austin, Jessica Freed, Brendan Macdonald, Emma Moohan, and Eoin Shanley create a wholly convincing car. En route to Howth, passing various landmarks that trigger memories, the car becomes a confessional. One by one, the eternal-boy son, sassy daughter, ghastly ma, pig-headed da, and god-fearing granny trawl over family history with a deal of humour and emotional depth. Sadly, the writer seems to panic in the last 10 minutes, tossing everything into the pot of the plot - including a flying granny - to create a silly and messy ending.

Until Saturday, 6 p.m.

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland

Rosita Boland is Senior Features Writer with The Irish Times. She was named NewsBrands Ireland Journalist of the Year for 2018