What social welfare supports can I claim?

Details of jobseekers benefits.

Details of jobseekers benefits.


• You are entitled to claim jobseeker's benefit if you have:

- lost your job and


- have made sufficient PRSI contributions (which used to be known as stamps);

• the highest weekly rate is currently €185.80;

• you can choose to receive payments through the Post Office, by cheque or directly into your bank account.


• If you haven't made enough PRSI contributions to qualify for a jobseeker's benefit payment, you may be entitled to jobseeker's allowance if you satisfy a means test;

• the highest weekly rate is also €€185.80;

• the means test will take into account your cash income, capital, property and any benefit received from living with your parents;

• to claim either of these supports, you must be genuinely seeking and available to take up full-time work. You may be asked for proof of your job-seeking efforts so keep a record of all correspondence with potential employers and any other evidence that you are actively looking for a job.


• These are benefits that you may be entitled to as a result of receiving either jobseeker's benefit or jobseeker's allowance;

Secondary benefits include:

- the rent/mortgage interest supplement;

- medical card;

- the back to school clothing and footwear allowance;

- a diet supplement;

• in addition, your may be entitled to a Christmas bonus and a fuel allowance from your local social welfare office.