Mueller pulls on green socks

Aer Lingus’s branding has extended to Christoph Mueller’s socks, it seems

Aer Lingus’s branding has extended to Christoph Mueller’s socks, it seems. The airline’s German chief executive was sporting green socks on stage during a question-and-answer session at the Global Airfinance Conference in Dublin on Wednesday.

“Do you want to make a comment on your nice green socks?” one audience member asked in a message to the moderator, Gavin Esler of BBC’s Newsnight

“You haven’t seen my underwear yet,” was Mueller’s sporting riposte, which brought the house down and even made Ryanair’s deputy chief executive Howard Millar smile.

“I can’t think of anything to say to that folks,” said a slightly flummoxed Esler. “If you want to see Christoph’s underwear you can sort yourselves out.”



Sticking with aviation, Lufthansa increased its passenger traffic from Ireland by 15 per cent last year to about 350,000. “Given the overall economic situation that is a great result,” Christian Schindler, Lufthansa’s general manager for UK and Ireland, told me this week.

Lufthansa flies three times daily from Dublin to Frankfurt, as well as offering a summer service from the capital to Munich. It also flies to Dusseldorf from Dublin and Knock.


It already sponsors the county hurlers and now Ballybrit-based fast food chain Supermac’s looks set to back its footballers, too. A deal is close to being agreed, just in time for the kick-off of the inter-county season. Galway’s footballers sported the Cancer Care West logo on their shirts in 2012.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times