The Unanswered Questions

Who was the beneficial owner of Mir Space International Ltd and its parent company, Mir Oil Development Ltd, in September 1995…

Who was the beneficial owner of Mir Space International Ltd and its parent company, Mir Oil Development Ltd, in September 1995 when £2.5 million worth of Bula shares were transferred to Mir Oil?

Who is the beneficial owner now of the two Mir companies, and who benefited from the sale of some 28 million Bula shares between November 1996 and January of this year?

Who is responsible for the issuing of a misleading statement to the market in October 1996 from Bula, claiming that a test well drilled with Bula shareholders' funds had produced results of 942 barrels per day? In fact, the results recorded on site at the time indicated "insignificant" quantities of oil.

Where is the former chairman and chief executive of Bula Resources plc, Mr Jim Stanley, and why has he not responded to requests for a meeting sent to him by the company in September?