Weblog: separate the signal from the noise

Nuzzel app promises to find the news you will want to read from your social networks for you

Yet another week of being told that we live in an echo chamber and yet another week of having to wade through a mountain of tired and emotional tweets and Facebook posts in the omnishambles that is 2016. The least we can do for ourselves, folks, is attempt to get some signal from the noise and perhaps Nuzzel is up to the task.

Nuzzel sucks the news from your social networks and leaves the chatter behind; link the app to your Twitter and Facebook accounts and it will begin to alert you to popular stories being shared by your networks. Alerts can be tweaked by threshold: if you have a large network you may choose to be notified only if a story has been shared by 30 or 40 friends.

Newsletters also play a part: create your own (based on curating popular reads) or subscribe to feeds from your friends. Each day Nuzzel will send you a digest on the app or by email. My favourite feature is the ability to create a newsfeed based on a Twitter list: simply create a list of people based on media outlet, topic or location and Nuzzel will harvest all the news.

See nuzzel.com