Web Log: Vine adds music creation and discovery options

The best new feature is Snap to Beat

Twitter's viral looping video service Vine has received a music-focused update, allowing users to both create and discover new music inside the app. There is a new music note icon below videos containing music tracks: simply tap for track details. In terms of music discovery, the Featured Tracks section aims to promote artists and make it easy for you to find the right song to add to your homemade videos.

The best new feature is Snap to Beat. It should eliminate the endlessly looping vines that cut out midway through a song’s chorus by matching a song segment exactly to your video clip. Pick your song and Snap to Beat will trim the video to fit a chunk of music that loops pleasantly to the ears.

Vine still seems a bit niche to me: despite Twitter integration, it's not that common to see vines looping in your timeline. vine.co/music