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Notes for Gmail
This handy little Gmail plug-in piggybacks on existing functionality within Google's mail app to provide the ability to add Post-it-like notes to individual emails or at the top of your inbox for better visibility.

It's currently in beta but invites (complete with a download link) are
available if you email or tweet them.

A clever little hack is to tag all stickies with an empty Gmail label. They show up as a virtual noticeboard within the label. Neat.


Sky share
Facebook already knows plenty about you so you might as well put it to good use if you're stuck for suggestions on what to watch on telly. Sky TV customers can install a new Facebook plug-in that gives programme suggestions based on you and your friends' profile information. You can also set the Sky+ box recording from the comfort of Facebook and browse through the next week's TV listings. To connect accounts, simply enter your Sky ID into the app. It can be used in a limited fashion if you don't subscribe.



Slam poetry
This heartbreakingly honest piece of slam poetry has gone viral in the last couple of weeks and for good reason. Poet and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) sufferer Neil Hilborn paints a touching picture of his life and how love has changed him. His daily routine consists of washing hands, checking locks and switching lights 18 and 24 times in a row. For him, love lessens the grip of OCD. Read his impromptu Twitter Q&A here (twitter.com/Neilicorn/statuses/365924260176347136) but first go to his Tumblr and see the video that will leave you in tears.


Jumping off the coding bandwagon
The educational insight du jour is that everyone should learn how to code. This sounds like a reasonable idea in a world where programming skills seem useful to many careers.

However, software engineer Chase Felkner thinks we should put on the brakes because it’s creating the assumption that coding proficiency is a skill picked up quickly and applied immediately. “The idea that you can learn to code in a year gives me the creeps,” he says, comparing it to a fan of science books thinking she can jump straight to laboratory experiments.
