Voice Record Pro

This microphone/dictaphone app is reliable, slick and free

Voice Record Pro
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Publisher: Dayana Networkds Ltd
Reviewed On: iPhone
Cert: 4
Available On: iPad,iPhone

There's something awfully old fashioned - even Mad Men-esque - about audio memos and notes. And yet Dictaphone apps abound, and are not just used by musicians and journalists. Voice Record Pro encourages other uses beyond music and note-taking: you can add text to recordings, make duplicates or even add photos. So this device is of use to creative, nostalgic types. The other trimmings are more functional; recordings have a list of buttons with which you can email them and save them on Google Drive, DropBox, SoundCloud or more. If you're using it for music, you can edit, trim, convert to mp3, append it to another recording, or if you're feeling indulgent and/or confident, upload it to YouTube or Facebook. This app has been around a while, but has some nice new updates, such as a loop function and universal upload to any web-based script - though I still wish it could record phone calls. Voice Record Pro is free, albeit with some low-key ads. itunes.com