Tech Tools: Chipolo keeps tabs on your belongings

Bluetooth tag means you’ll never have to do the ‘where’s my keys?’ dance again

How much time do you waste every day hunting for your keys? Or your mobile phone? How about your wallet? That could be coming to an end with a whole range of different tags and chips that are the high-tech equivalent of those really annoying keyrings you used to whistle at to locate your stuff. The Chipolo is a small disc you can attach to your keys or other valuables . It connects to your phone via Bluetooth and when you need to locate the item you can simply “ring” it via a free app. It makes noise until you find it. It also works the opposite way, if you have the Chipolo but can’t find your phone.

It has an advantage over other trackers, such as the Tile, in that you can change the batteries once they wear out instead of replacing the entire thing. Of course, it still requires your to be within Bluetooth range for your items .

The Chipolo comes in different colours, from the standard black and white to red, pink, yellow and blue.