Tech Tools

Compiled by CIARA O'BRIEN

Compiled by CIARA O'BRIEN

Kuchi-Paku Animal speaker

THIS COULD possibly be quite cute or really creepy, depending on your point of view. The Kuchi-Paku animal speaker not only multitasks as a soft toy and portable speaker, it will also provide hours of entertainment too. Ever seen a stuffed penguin lip-synch to Metallica? Or a lion getting down to Westlife? It’s worth it. Kick it into full-on popstar-gone-bad mode, and your furry friend will dance along to the beat of the music too. If you tire of the antics, you can simply use it as a speaker, minus the accompanying body contortions. The battery-operated speaker also has a microphone mode, which prompts it to lip-synch to your voice.


Pose $23.99

POSE IS ingenious. Not only is it a case for your point-and-shoot camera, it’s also a stand. And not just any old stand. It lies on flat surfaces and also wraps around curved surfaces. As a case, the neoprene cover keeps your camera safe, and is weather resistant. It also looks good. What more do you need?

VAIO L Series 3D multimedia PC

REMEMBER WHEN we all used to have tower PCs instead of notebooks and tablets? Sony may, but instead of trying to cling to the past, its decided it’s best to adapt and has come up with an all-in-one touchscreen PC.

The VAIO L Series 3D multimedia PC has a 24-inch screen, with a full HD VAIO display that allows you to watch 3D Blu-ray discs and video. It can also be hooked up to your Playstation 3 so you can play games in 3D. And you can convert 2D content into simulated 3D content at the touch of a button, should you feel so inclined. On the inside, it’s powered by Intel’s second-generation Core processors, with NVIDIA looking after the graphics.