Keeping kids in contact with Toymail

No screens, no phones - just a wifi connection and a plastic animal

Fancy some internet connected toys that can keep you in contact with your children no matter where you are in the world? That’s what Toymail claims to do. The high-tech toy allows you to communicate with your child without the need for them to have a tablet, mobile phone or even a good old landline. You connect the battery-operated plastic toy – choose from a deer, a bear, a raccoon and others – to your home wireless network. Then when you’re away, you can use the free app to record and send voice messages to the toy.

When the message arrives, the toy will growl or snort to alert your child. They can listen and reply to the message through the Toymail, giving you a handy way to stay in touch.

The only concern then is that the child grows up thinking a toy bear is really its parent. But that’s for another tech start-up to tackle.